Anna posted this to the Choice Mom board and I thought it was well worth sharing here, in response to a woman who is trying to conceive with at-home insemination using a known donor.
Has your partner been checked? It takes two to tango as they say, so if he hasn't already he might want to get his sperm count, morphology checked. Also check your blood types to make sure you are compatible and do a check to make sure you don't have "hostile cervical mucous"...that phrase just makes me giggle every time...
If you are worried about your lining but trying to get pregnant the "old fashioned way" you should get it checked via ultrasound around the time before you would normally have your surge. They can also monitor your follicle growth. I also recommend keeping a journal, doing basal temperature charting and ovulation predictor kits, understanding the signs your body gives when you are at certain points in your cycle, and generally getting to know yourself better in terms of your cycles. [NOTE from Mikki: has some good articles and podcasts about this subject.]
For getting a nice thick happy lining, try getting acupuncture and Mayan abdominal massage (only in the first half of your cycle for the massage) and drink three cups of raspberry leaf tea a day (put it in a cup, pour BOILING water over it, then cover it and let it steep for at least 10 minutes). I did raspberry leaf tea one cycle and my lining added an extra 3cm. Also, it is very important to stay hydrated...cut out caffiene, sugar, table salt, alcohol, drink plenty of water, etc.
There are a ton of factors that go into getting your body ready for accepting that burrowing embryo.
Meditation, yoga, visualization, relaxation exercises, acupressure, chiropractic adjustment, massage, acupuncture, and herbal supplements can all help to improve relaxation and hormone balance and increase blood flow to your vital bits.
Lastly, remember that in the "normal" coupled universe, docs don't generally think there is a "problem" unless you've been trying for over a year with no success. So five months is still early, and you've got an advantage having a [safe] fresh sperm partner over those of us who have to use spermcicles.
I hope my rambling advice helps. Seeing an RE might help and also find a good acupuncturist without a doubt! It's made a huge difference for me in terms of my mental clarity and stress levels, and that has to be good for future baby.
[NOTE: See also radio show #3, via, about fertility enhancement tips, from specialists in yoga, acupuncture, massage and nutrition.]
Two weeks to post about
9 years ago
My boyfriend and I are currently trying to get pregnant, and we have to go through a sperm donor as my boyfriend does not produce sperm. We were very unhappy with the doctor we went to originally, and we are now considering doing at home insemination. Obviously the cost is such that we want to have as good a chance as possible to conceive. Any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Damaged,
I came across a great article that explains pros and cons of different types of inseminations, including home insemination. It also mentions the recommended amount of sperm to purchase. I found it very helpful and I am sure you will too. Here's the link:
It looks like the link didn't work in my previous post. Click here to view the article..
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